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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • In case of submission to a section with peer review (e.g. articles), the instructions described below were followed to ensure blind peer review.
    1. The authors of the paper excluded names from the text, replacing with "Author" and the year in references and footnotes, instead of author’s names, article title, etc.
    2. In Microsoft Office documents, the author identification must be removed from the document properties (in the File > Properties menu) by starting in File in the main menu and clicking in the sequence: File > Save As... > Tools (or Options on a Mac) > Security Options... > Remove personal information from file when saving > OK > Save.
  • The text has title, abstract and keywords in Portuguese and English.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not under consideration for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the Editor".
  • Files for submission should be in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format (as long as they do not exceed 2MB). URLs for references were informed when available.
  • The text has 1,5 line spacing; uses 12 size font, Times New Roman; use italics rather than underlining; figures and tables are inserted in the text, not at the end of the document as appendices.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in the Guidelines for Authors in the About the Journal section.

Author Guidelines

1. The journal Antropolítica accepts original articles and reviews of interest to the Social Sciences and Anthropology in particular. We accept reviews of books published no more than three years ago.

2. The article should not contain information that would allow the identification of the author(s). Citations and references of the author(s) should be identified as: AUTHOR (YEAR) and the title of the work should be concealed. Authorship information must be included in the system, see guideline 11, not in the text. Failure to comply with this criterion will result in rejection of the article.

3. The texts will be submitted to the Editorial Board and/or to external reviewers, who may suggest changes in structure or content. The evaluation process takes on average 6 months, and publication takes on average 12 months.

3.1 During evaluation, submissions are checked for plagiarism. Articles that exceed the 3% acceptable similarity rate will be evaluated for plagiarism and, if plagiarism is confirmed, will be rejected.

4. Texts should not exceed 25 pages for articles and 6 pages for reviews. The following elements should also be within the page limit: title, abstract and keywords (Portuguese and English), images, tables, charts, bibliographical references, etc.

5. Texts should be submitted with A4 page configuration (210 x 297 mm), 1.5 space, Times New Roman font (size 12), without any formatting, except for

  • Character indication (bold and italic);
  • Margins of 3cm (top and left) and 2cm (bottom and right);
  • 1cm indentation at the beginning of the paragraph;
  • 4cm indentation in quotations longer than 3 lines; and
  • Use of italics for foreign terms and titles of books and journals.

6. Bibliographical citations should be indicated in the body of the text, in parentheses, with the following information: author's last name in capital letters; comma; year of publication; comma; page abbreviation (p.) and page number. (PEREIRA, 1996, p. 12).

7. The explanatory notes, restricted to the minimum indispensable, should be presented in the footnotes.

8. Bibliographical references should be presented at the end of the text, obeying the ABNT norms (NBR-6023/2018). Available by clicking here.

MARX, Karl. Manuscritos econômico-filosóficos e outros textos escolhidos. 2. ed. São Paulo: Abril Cultural, 1978.
FRANÇA, Junia Lessa; VASCONCELLOS, Ana Cristina de. Manual para normalização de publicações técnicocientíficas. 3. Belo Horizonte: Ed. da UFMG, 1996.

ARRUDA, Mauro. Brasil: é essencial reverter o atraso. Panorama da Tecnologia, Rio de Janeiro, v. 3, n. 8, p. 4-9, 1989.

Papers presented in events:
BRAYNER, A. R. A.; MEDEIROS, C. B. Incorporação do tempo em SGBD orientado a objetos. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE BANCO DE DADOS, 9., 1994, São Paulo. Anais [...]. São Paulo: USP, 1994. p. 16-29.

9. Illustrations should have a quality of 300 dpi. They should be identified with a title or legend and designated, in the text, as a figure (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.) and placed in the body of the text.

10. Texts must include a title and abstract (maximum 250 words), as well as 3 to 5 keywords in Portuguese and English. This criterion also applies to reviews.

11. During submission to the system, the following information must be included: first and last name, institution, position, title, city, state, country, e-mail, orcid. The information on professional position and academic degree must be included in the Biography Summary field.

11.1 In case of articles with more than one author, it is necessary to include a short paragraph, in the Biography Summary field, containing the contribution of each author to the article. The following example can be followed: Author 1, Literature search, Empirical research, Data analysis. Author 2, Data analysis, Writing, Illustrations. Author 3, Writing and revision.If all authors have performed the same roles, simply repeat the roles.

12. The author of the article, or at least one of the authors in case of articles with more than one author, must have a PhD degree or be a PhD student. This criterion is not valid for Dossiers; for articles submitted to Dossiers, at least one of the authors must have a PhD.

13. Antropolítica does not charge any fees for the evaluation and publication of submitted articles and reviews.

14. In case of doubts the authors may write to:

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.