“Biological sex”, once again: the PL-346/2019 bill proposal, political disputes over gender and the public controversy about transgender people’s eligibility to sports





Anti-gender offensive, Moral panic, Sports eligibility, Trans people in sports, Transphobia.


This paper deals with the public controversy over the 346/2019 bill proposal, presented in the Legislative Assembly of the State of São Paulo State Assembly (ALESP) in April 2019, which aims to restrict the participation of trans people in official sports competitions. The bill, authored by state deputy Altair Moraes (Republicans - SP), that aims to establish “biological sex” as the sole parameter for sports eligibility in the state of São Paulo ended up serving as reference for other bills with similar content presented in Brazilian municipal, state, and federal legislative houses. In a context marked by the advance of conservatism, especially after the 2018 elections, it is assumed that the 346/2019 bill proposal is aligned with the anti-gender offensive and that it is part of a series of political disputes articulated around gender. Such alignment could be observed not only in the curtailment of transgender people’s right to access high performance sports, but also in the mobilization of repertoires that nod to the reaffirmation of cisheteronormativity, the rebiologization of sexual differences, and the institutionalization of transphobia.


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Author Biography

Maurício Rodrigues Pinto, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social, Universidade de São Paulo

Professor de História na Rede Municipal de Ensino de Campinas. Doutorando pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social da Universidade de São Paulo. Pesquisador do Núcleo de Estudos sobre os Marcadores Sociais da Diferença.



How to Cite

Pinto, M. R. (2023). “Biological sex”, once again: the PL-346/2019 bill proposal, political disputes over gender and the public controversy about transgender people’s eligibility to sports. Antropolítica - Revista Contemporânea De Antropologia. https://doi.org/10.22409/antropolitica.i.a56445



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