The location of anthropological knowledge: notes between Brazil, France and India
Intellectual trajectory, Internationalization of Anthropology, Global South, India, France.Abstract
In this article, I examine my intellectual trajectory as an anthropologist trained between Brazil, France and India in order to discuss recent transformations in global anthropology, especially with regard to its internationalization. I use Gyan Prakash’s concept of “location of scholarship” to think about the situated dimension of anthropological knowledge beyond its geographical location, characterizing it rather as a complex network of history, power and culture. In a complementary way, I also draw on Purnima Mankekar’s idea of the “politics of location”, exploring how national belonging, identity and political positions influence the role of the researcher in the global scenario of academia. Drawing on my own trajectory, from a working-class background in Brazil to the study of Indian anthropology in France, I examine the challenges and potentialities of an internationalized academic career for a researcher from the Global South. By engaging in a critical self-analysis, I highlight the power dynamics, cultural representations and social expectations that impact academic mobility and knowledge production between different regions, questioning traditional notions of legitimacy and intellectual authority in the globalized academic world. I argue that doing anthropology between locations involves building a mobile and decentralized knowledge, based on a constant and fertile tension between theoretical principles and subjective experiences.
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