Candomblé rituals and food practices in Italy and Brazil: an ethnographic comparison




Candomblé, Transnationalization, Afro-Brazilian Religions, Food practices, Offerings, Sacrifice.


This paper focuses on the relationship between food practices, preparation of Candomblé ritual offerings and performance of rituals in a transnational case study. My interest here is to consider two ethnographic accounts of Candomblé rituals in Italy and Brazil. I will analyze how Italian practitioners perceive different aspects of the preparation of ritual offerings and what values are at stake in the cooking and consumption of food and food offerings. I will show how memory and the senses are essential to build a new idea of familiarity and to learn new skills within the ritual practice.



Biographie de l'auteur

Giovanna Capponi, Musée du Quai Branly

Graduação em Scienze antropologiche pela Università di Bologna (2009), mestrado em Antropologia e Etnologia Culturale pela Università di Bologna (2013), mestrado em Migration and Diaspora Studies pela School of Oriental and African Studies (2011) e doutorado em Social Anthropology pela University of Roehampton (2018). Atualmente é pesquisadora de Pós-Doutorado no Musée du Quai Branly.





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