Sonoridades e política das affordances na construção das identidades dos games

dinâmicas silenciosas do capitalismo contemporâneo na indústria do entretenimento


  • Thiago de Almeida Menini Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro
  • Vinícius Andrade Pereira Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro



Sonoridades, Games, Política das Affordances, Pesquisas Neuromidiáticas, Indústria do Entretenimento


The article approaches the use of sonorities in electronic games exploring how they affect the game's identity and dynamics. We understand that such affectations are co-determined by aural expressions that act as modulating technologies of the gamer’s emotional and cognitive states, favoring mental states that singularize the immersive experience. Finally, the goal is to think about the ways which the games industry benefits from these cognitive, emotional and mental modulations. The bet is on the use of the sonorities with an affordances politics, which aims to maximize the time spent by the gamer with the game, contributing to the strength of the practices of platform capitalism, attention and surveillance in the game universe, reaffirming a trend in the contemporary entertainment industry.


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