Bloting the portrait, reconfiguring the bodies
Bloting the portrait, reconfiguring the bodies: Blotting as a political-aesthetic gesture in the works of Rosana Paulino and Elian Almeida
The present paper tackles the issue of Brazilian visual memory in a discussion about the works of artists and researchers Rosana Paulino and Elian Almeida. More specifically, I discuss the strategies adopted by artists to revisit the representation of black bodies in critical fabulations that contribute to reconfiguring the gaze in/about Brazilian culture. From a conceptual point of view, the article discusses issues such as the role of archives, coloniality and visual culture. Building upon the notion of blotting (rasura) in Leda Martins, I propose the notion of erasure as a theoretical apparatus to understand Brazilian visual memory. Thus, it is expected to contribute with a conceptual category that allows to see the cracks and erasures of visuality in the Global South.
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