Representations of education in the digital game Pokémon Scarlet


  • Lucas Lopes Albuquerque Bastos Faculdade Católica Salesiana de Macaé
  • Alexandre Farbiarz Universidade Federal Fluminense



Education, Media, Critical Literacy, Digital Games, Pokémon


Contemporary subjects are increasingly influenced by the media in their negotiation of meanings about social reality, a context in which digital games are inserted. Among the cultural and political spheres about which games establish rhetoric is education. The research problem is how education is represented, as a cultural and political value, in the game Pokémon Scarlet. The objective is to analyze dialogues between these representations and critical media literacy perspectives. As a methodology, we combine the Values ​​in Digital Games approach, by Mary Flanagan and Helen Nissenbaum, and Clara Fernández-Vara's game analysis schemes. We conclude that the object represents education through processes and signs aligned with traditional pedagogical approaches, disassociating it from critical thinking and liberating action.


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