“Kids Voting”
When media and political literacies meet
Media literacy, Political literacy, Citizenship, Elections, Pedagogical practicesAbstract
Reports from the European Union and UNESCO present the development of citizen awareness as one of media literacy consequences. However, the same reports (and other scientific research) point to accelerated technical improvement while ethical and interpretive capabilities remain in the background. Could political literacy present itself as a resource to overcome such failures? This article propose to answer this question by analyzing the “Kids Voting” project, developed by the Portuguese magazine Visão Junior in partnership with the Network of School Libraries of Portugal. The initiative simulates the entire Portuguese electoral process, bringing literary works as “candidates”. The final presentations lives, in 2021 and 2022, on YouTube and Facebook will be examined, through the methodology of the Audiovisual Materiality Analysis (AMA), proposed by Coutinho (2016), combined with the “5A’s” of media literacy developed by Mihailids (2014). It is expected to find notes that indicate paths for the joint development of media and political skills in the Brazilian context.
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