Produções culturais na educação infantil

trilhas entre múltiplas linguagens, participação e mídias


  • Lizyane Francisca Silva dos Santos Locatelli Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Monica Fantin Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



This article is an excerpt from a master's research in education carried out between 2018/2020, which sought to reflect on the relationship between children and cultural productions in public institutions of Early Childhood Education of the Municipal Education Network of Florianópolis, SC, from the perspective of hybridity culture, multiple languages, expansion of children's repertoires and educational mediation. Through a mapping of the teachers' pedagogical practices before and during the Covid-19 pandemic, it was possible to identify the presence of activities linked to music, play, storytelling and the use of audiovisuals in children's daily lives, transversalized by the dimension of children's participation and the use of media and technology.


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