Playgrounds digitais: affordances, cultura do consumo infantil e a presença das marcas na Roblox

affordances, cultura de consumo infantil y presencia de marcas en Roblox marcas en Roblox


  • Eneus Trindade University of São Paulo
  • Karla Meira University of São Paulo
  • Daniel Dubosselard ZImmermann University of São Paulo



Children's Consumption, Brands, Interactions, Roblox, Platforms


The paper discusses the presence of brands in children's consumption culture in the online gaming platform Roblox, seeking to analyze the presence of organizations and brands in this metaverse environment through case studies. Characterized, therefore, as intentional exploratory research by direct observation in Roblox, based on virtual environments that contained actions and consumption of brands aimed at children, recording the propositions of programmed interactions between brands and children users through the affordances designed in the virtual ambience. We found that Roblox stands out for its focus on user-generated content and creativity, its social ecosystem, and its innovative business model that have made it one of the most popular gaming platforms in the world. The results validate the need for further analysis through studies of mediations and interactions.


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Author Biographies

Eneus Trindade, University of São Paulo

Full Professor at the School of Communications and Arts (ECA), University of São Paulo (USP). PhD in Communication Sciences from the University of São Paulo (2003). Brazil. Postdoctoral in Visual Anthropology from the Open University of Portugal (2009). Scholarship holder PQ2 CNPq (Process: 30327720222-0). Lecturer in Communication Sciences at USP (2012), Postdoctoral Internship at CELSA Sorbonne Universités Paris - FR (2018). E-mail:

Karla Meira, University of São Paulo

PhD student in Communication Sciences at the University of São Paulo - PPGCOM ECA/USP. Doctoral scholarship from the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES ) - Brazil (2022-2026). Master in Communication Sciences at the University of São Paulo - PPGCOM ECA/USP (2021). Lecturer in the discipline Digital Communication and New Media in the undergraduate course of Public Relations at the University of São Paulo (USP) (2021). Researcher at GESC3 - Semiotic Studies Group on Communication, Culture and Consumption. E-mail:



Daniel Dubosselard ZImmermann, University of São Paulo

PhD in Communication Sciences from the University of São Paulo - PPGCOM ECA/USP (2022). Post-doctoral CPQ-ECA-USP. Master in Communication and Marketing from Faculdade Cásper Líbero (2006). Professor of Advertising and Public Relations at Cásper Líbero School. Researcher at GESC3 - Group for Semiotic Studies in Communication, Culture and Consumption. Coordinator of the Work Group (GT 2) Consumption, Communication and Organizations of the ABRAPCORP Congress (2023/2024). E-mail:


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