
  • Karla Fabiola Vega Ruiz Universidad de Guadalajara



Derecho político-electoral, indígenas, dimensión interna y externa, garantía constitucional, principio de autodeterminación, direito político-eleitoral, dimensão interna e externa, princípio da autodeterminação, political-electoral law, indigenous


The apodictic premise that all fundamental rights need means and procedures that ensure the full and timely exercise, incites the analysis of the state regulation of the guarantee of the citizen's electoral political rights in those federative entities of the national territory that concentrate the population indigenous. The objective of the present work is to alert which states contemplate some means or procedure that provides the effective exercise of the right, and that falling into omission results in a violation of this constitutional prerogative. At the same time, show the dimensions of the practice of ethnic political law in Mexico, and thus observe the link of each one of them with the principle of self-determination, which has recently been elevated to the constitutional hierarchy. Also present how the Federation's Judiciary Electoral Court was created as an organ that guarantees this type of right. The method that was used to carry out the present text was the deductive method, the same that was applied in the analysis of the respective bibliography. On the other hand, the result that came with the present investigation is that some of the federative entities are violating the exercise of this ethnic political right by failing to establish the guarantee in the state legislation.

Keywords: Political-electoral law; indigenous; internal and external dimension; constitutional guarantee; principle of self-determination.


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2017-10-16 — Updated on 2021-03-30
