
  • Carlos Rivera-Lugo Facultad de Derecho Eugenio María de Hostos (Puerto Rico)



teoria materialista, Constituição, processo social constitutivo, constitucionalismo societal, teoria crítica do direito./ Keywords, materialist theory, Constitution, constitutive social process, societal, constitutionalism, critical theor


Abstract: The article criticizes the fetishized forms of understanding of legal reality, seeking an analysis of constitutionalism beyond the logical-formal notion, adopting as base the critical theory of law. It proposes the understanding according to which the Constitution would be materially constituted by facts with normative force, offering new visions on constitutional and constitutional power, advancing in the proposal of a materialist theory of the constitutive social process. From this point of view, the constitutional text would be perceived as an expression of specific historical-social scope of the concrete relations of power and of the struggles that are enacted in them. The text analyzes the current conjuncture of the new Latin American constitutionalism in the light of the theoretical assumptions of critical theory and, finally, works the concept of societal constitutionalism, in order to offer an understanding and critical analysis of the concept of Constitution and its unconformity in relation to reality in the contemporary world.




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Author Biography

Carlos Rivera-Lugo, Facultad de Derecho Eugenio María de Hostos (Puerto Rico)

Catedrático retirado y Decano fundador de la Facultad de Derecho Eugenio María de Hostos (Puerto Rico). Investigador independiente de filosofía y teoría del Derecho y del Estado.  Profesor colaborador del Programa de Maestría en Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí (México).  Miembro del Grupo de Trabajo ‘Pensamiento jurídico crítico” de Clacso y del Consejo Editorial de la Revista Latinoamericana Crítica Jurídica.  Es autor, entre otras cosas, de La rebelión de Edipo y otras insurgencias jurídicas (San Juan, 2004); ¡Ni una vida más para el Derecho! Reflexiones sobre la crisis actual de la forma jurídica (San Luis Potosí/Aguascalientes, 2014); y Critica a economia politica do direito (Sao Paulo, 2019).  Es también co-autor y co-coordinador, junto a Oscar Correas, de la obra El comunismo jurídico (Ciudad de México, 2013). Es doctor en Derecho de la Universidad del País Vasco. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2031-3667.


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2019-01-14 — Updated on 2021-04-01
