Aldir Blanc, Cooperação, Descentralização, Federalismo, Município.Abstract
Federalism as a form of state organization is used by several countries, each meeting its characteristics and desires. In Brazil he was strongly influenced by the United States, where competitive federalism is found, however over the years the influence of the German Fundamental Law triggered a new Brazilian federalism. Thirty-three years after the promulgation of the Brazilian Constitution, the problems persist, mainly regarding the sharing of tasks and not resources. Thus, the question arises: does the publication of the Aldir Blanc Law effect interfederative cooperation, with the sharing of resources for the development of actions in the cultural sector, mainly local? The deductive and hermeneutic methodological structure starts with the study of the federal state, after an approach on asymmetric Brazilian federalism, and at the end it analyzes the Aldir Blanc Law, which was published with the aim of allowing municipalities to develop emergency actions aimed at the sector cultural.
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