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  • Judith Bessant RMIT School of Global, Urban and Social Studies (Melbourne, Australia)


Palabras clave:

Cyberpolitics, Political Science, DDoS, Hacktivism.


Abstract: The present article aims to analyze the contemporary political theories which
affirm that the use of the new media - mainly the internet - for politics online would replace
more traditional means of democratic participation. Its scope is understanding the political
motivations of the individuals - primarily the youth - involved in these direct actions like the
use of DDoS, and also its criminalization by the State, indispensable to the understanding this
new form of political activism.
Keywords: Slacktivism; DDoS; Hacktivism; Cyberpolitics; Democratic Participation.


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Biografía del autor/a

Judith Bessant, RMIT School of Global, Urban and Social Studies (Melbourne, Australia)

Professor, RMIT School of Global, Urban and Social Studies (Melbourne, Australia). PhD, La Trobe University.


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