About the Journal


Gragoatá began as an initiative of the academic staff of the former Post-Graduate Programme in Languages at UFF, having its first printed issue published in the second half of 1996, having been its first editor professor Eurydice Figueiredo. Followed her as editors, the professors Lucia Teixeira, Celia Pedrosa and Mariângela Rios de Oliveira.

As of 2010, Gragoatá has a double editorship referring to the even numbers dedicated to linguistics studies and the odd numbers dedicated to literary studies. In this new form, the Professors Mariangela Rios de Oliveira (Linguistics) and Maria Elisabeth Chaves de Mello (Literature) were editors of the issue 39, Mariangela Rios de Oliveira (Linguistics) and Maria Elisabeth Chaves de Mello (Literature) of issue 40, Lucia Teixeira (Linguistics ) and Paula Glenadel (Literature), of issues 41 to 44, Bethania Mariani (Linguistics) and Paula Glenadel (Literature) of issues 45 and Bethania Mariani (Linguistics) and Ida Alves (Literature) of issues 46 to 59. In 2022, together with Professor Bethania Mariani (Linguistics), took over, as editor of the area of ​​Literature, the Professor Silvio Renato Jorge.

In 2006, the journal had a biannual periodicity and its electronic website was implemented, marking the publication of its 20th issue. Since then, the issues have been available in printed and electronic versions in full.

As of issue 36, Gragoatá became part of a digital publishing platform (SEER), and therefore entirely online. In 2017, the journal became a quarterly publication in order to absorb more articles distributed in three annual issues.

In 2022 – issue 59 – Gragoatá begins to publish in the continuous publication format and, in issue 60 begins the Varia section, with free-themed articles within the areas of Language Studies and Literature Studies, receiving manuscripts in preprint which, after approval, are published in the continuous publication format, integrating the corresponding issue along with the thematic dossiers. The section receives submissions in continuous flow, regardless of calls to the thematic dossiers, and the articles follow the general standards of the journal.

For more information about preprints, please visit: https://blog.scielo.org/en/2021/06/02/what-are-preprints-originally-published-in-dados-blog-in-may-2021/

For more information about Continuous Publication, please visit: https://blog.scielo.org/en/2016/03/10/speeding-up-research-communication-the-actions-of-scielo/

The journal is rated Qualis A2 by CAPES and is indexed in SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online) and in several other indexers.

Publication Frequency 

Gragoatá is published on a continuous flow basis. Articles in the Varia section are published as they are approved, according to the number of annual articles defined by the editorial board.

The thematic dossiers, which alternate between the areas of Language Studies and Literature Studies, are organized every four months, with releases scheduled for the first month of each four-month period: January, May and September.


Open Science Compliance 

In line with the principles of Open Science, since the second half of 2022 Gragoatá has been implementing actions to integrate and effect an open, public and broad discussion of data and research results from the articles submitted for evaluation. To this end, the journal seeks to implement editorial actions to:

  • promote, as appropriate, peer review assessment practices, including possible disclosure of the identity of publicly available reviewers and assessments, and enabling a wider community to provide feedback and participate in the evaluation process;
  • develop participatory strategies to identify the needs of communities and highlight socially relevant issues to be incorporated into research agendas;
  • promote faster access practices to search results;
  • promote the sharing of analysis datasets, instruments, statistical analysis scripts, scripts and additional materials, available in open online repositories, such as SciELO Data, if they cannot be published in the work itself;
  • promote the publication of preprint research results on public platforms in order to discuss them openly before being published.

The Open Science Compliance Form adopted by Gragoatá can be accessed at: https://periodicos.uff.br/gragoata/libraryFiles/downloadPublic/218

Ethics in Publication 

In line with best practices to strengthen standards of ethics and responsibility in scientific communication and publication, Gragoatá defends an honest, transparent and democratic behaviour by all parties involved in the act of publishing: the author, the editor, the peer reviewer, and the publisher. Responsibility for the publication of the Language and Literature issues rests with the editor-in-chief of each area, respectively.

Focus and Scope

Gragoatá aims at the national and international dissemination of original articles, translations and review articles that represent relevant contributions both to theoretical studies and to the analysis of specific issues, procedures and methods in the areas of Language Studies and Literary Studies.

Digital Preservation 

This journal follows the standards defined in SciELO Program Digital Preservation Policy.

Indexing Sources

  • SciELO
  • DOAJ  

Bibliographic Journal Information 

Journal title: Gragoatá 

Abbreviated title: Gragoatá

Published by: Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras da Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)

Periodicity: Quarterly

Mode of publication: Continuous Publication

Year of creation of the journal: 1996

Websites and Social Media

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/revistagragoata/


Peer Review Process

Manuscripts submitted must be in accordance with the afore mentioned guidelines. 

Following adequacy and scope assessment and plagiarism check, the submissions are sent primarily to two reviewers of the Advisory Board or to ad hoc reviewers appointed by the editor-in-chief or the editor of the dossier, experts in the area or topic of the proposals, as part of a double-blind peer review process, in order to maintain and guarantee impartial judgement, which is always based on academic merit. In case of divergence in the evaluation, the manuscript is forwarded to a third evaluator who will be responsible for the final result.

In line with the practices of open science, Gragoatá encourages an open evaluation process, if author and evaluator choose this option. In this modality, the opinions can be disclosed before and/or together with the publication. It will be up to authors to indicate their option in the “Open Science Compliance Form”. Evaluators, in turn, must inform their preference when indicating their availability for evaluation.


Free-subject articles for the Varia section must be submitted as preprint and then subject to open peer review (OPR).

For more information about preprints, please visit: https://blog.scielo.org/en/2021/06/02/what-are-preprints-originally-published-in-dados-blog-in-may-2021/


The journal does not charge for submission, neither any article processing charges (APCs).

Ethical Principles

Main guidelines of international and national organizations that serve as references for good practices for publication observed by the Gragoatá:

Policy on Conflict of Interest

Authors are responsible for recognizing and informing the editorial board, in the submission document, of the existence of a conflict of interest, specifying its nature. The conflict of interest may be of a personal, commercial, political, academic or financial nature. Conflicts of interest may occur between authors, reviewers or editors.

Adoption of similarity software

Verification of the text authenticity is performed through the application of the PlagiumTM software. 

Identified similarities, either with texts from third parties or from the authors themselves, the authors will be informed and will receive a report with the passages to be adjusted and/or justified. In the case of similarity with the dissertation or thesis of the author himself, a note indicating the origin of the article will be requested. Omitted cases will be decided by the editorial committee after the authors' manifestation.

Gender and Sex Issues

Gragoatá’s Editorial Team, in addition to the authors who publish in the journal, should always observe the guidelines on Gender Equity in Research (SAGER). The SAGER guidelines comprise a set of guidelines that guide the reporting of information about sex and gender in the study design, data analysis and results and interpretation of findings. Besides that, Gragoatá observes the gender equity policy in the formation of its editorial staff. The Editorial Team suggests reading the guidelines on Sex and Gender Equity in Research, available at: https://doi.org/10.1186/s41073-016-0007-6. [Heidari et al. Sex and Gender Equity in Research: rationale for the SAGER guidelines and recommended use. Research Integrity and Peer Review. v. 1, article 2, 2016].


Authors who publish in Gragoatá agree to the following terms:

  • The authors retain the rights and give the journal the right to the first publication, simultaneously subject to a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0,, which allows sharing by third parties with due mention to the author and the first publication by Gragoatá.
  • Authors may enter into additional and separate contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the published version of the work (for example, posting it in an institutional repository or publishing it in a book), with recognition of its initial publication in Gragoatá.

Sponsors and Promotion Agencies 

Gragoatá journal is published with support from the Dean of Research, Graduate and Innovation of UFF, as well as UFF’S graduate programs in Language Studies and Literature Studies UFF within the Institute of Language and Literature.