Prosody and fluent reading


  • Gessiane Lobato Picanço UFPA
  • Nair Vansiler



Fluency. Oral expression. Reading. Evaluation of reading.


Expressive reading is a way to show that the reader is making sense of the meaning of a text. Therefore, oral expression in reading can make a distinction between good and poor readers, but can also be used to monitor comprehension. Fluent readers incorporate prosodic features of spoken language (accent, height variations of voice, intonation, phrasing and pauses) while reading, making it sound as natural as possible. This research shows the evaluation of the three prosodic dimensions, intonation and emphasis, phrasing and pace, in readings done by 2nd year high school students from four public schools in Belém, state of Pará. The results reveal a serious deficiency in the Portuguese language teaching in high school: most of the students have not reached a minimally acceptable level of fluency yet.


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Author Biography

Gessiane Lobato Picanço, UFPA

Possui graduação em Letras Licenciatura pela Universidade Federal do Pará (1999) e doutorado em Linguística pela University of British Columbia, Canadá (2005). Atualmente é Professora Adjunta da Universidade Federal do Pará, Instituto de Letras e Comunicação, Faculdade de Letras, e também da Pós-Graduação em Letras-UFPA. Possui experiência nas áreas de Fonologia Experimental, Fonologia Diacrônica e Tipologia Linguística, com ênfase em línguas indígenas da Amazônia.



How to Cite

Picanço, G. L., & Vansiler, N. (2014). Prosody and fluent reading. Gragoatá, 19(36).