A narrativity in changing: reception and production of “Causa Amante”, by Maria Gabriela Llansol


  • Maria Lúcia Wiltshire de Oliveira Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)




Reception, Production, Text of Llansol


Causa Amante (1984) shows the scale mutant of text of Llansol, created in notebooks manus­cripts, consolidated in “dossiers” dactiloscripts and published with arduous effort in books. First we talk about the reception of the first and se­cond edition; after we examined the backstage of production of the text, by choosing some current topics for reflection: search for the novel, metalan­guage, setting up of figures characters, difficulties of editing. Ostracized of standard narrative tra­ditional, the novel is composed and re-composed always by a process which serves as paradigm to text signed by Maria Gabriela Llansol.


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Author Biography

Maria Lúcia Wiltshire de Oliveira, Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)

Professora Associada da Universidade Federal Fluminense, subárea de Literatura Portuguesa. Mestre (UFF-1991), doutora (USP-1997) e pós-doutora (UNICAMP - 2001), com Estágio Sênior junto à Universidade Nova de Lisboa (2009-10). Tem trabalhos publicados sobre narrativa portuguesa contemporânea em revistas especializadas e anais de congressos. Publicou De Camões a Saramago: leituras da pátria portuguesa (Booklink, 2004) e tem no prelo (EDUFF) Revirando casa e mundo: representações literárias do herói e da família no romance português contemporâneo. Desenvolve no momento pesquisas sobre a escrita e o sujeito na ficção contemporânea, com destaque para a obra de Maria Gabriela Llansol.



How to Cite

Oliveira, M. L. W. de. (2010). A narrativity in changing: reception and production of “Causa Amante”, by Maria Gabriela Llansol. Gragoatá, 15(28). https://doi.org/10.22409/gragoata.v15i28.33092



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