Semiotics and rhetoric


  • José Luiz Fiorin USP


Figures of mixture. Figures of triage. Intensity. Extent. Implication Concession


In this paper, after showing that rhetoric studies the discursive procedures that allow the enunciator to produce effects of meaning that permit the enunciatee to believe what is said, I show that the different theories of discourse should inherit Rhetoric, taking into account centuries of studies already developed. By “inherit Rhetoric” I mean that it should be read in light of the theoretical problems currently addressed, and that the issues approached by rhetoric should be investigated from the perspective of the questions raised by modern theories. Following that, I examine the way French Semiotics has been addressing the so-called Rhetoric of Figures and Argumentative Rhetoric, in a process of theoretical incorporation of the tools of ancient rhetoricians. I show figures and arguments of mixture and of triage, figures of valence of intensity, figures of valence of extent, as well as implicative and concessive arguments.


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Author Biography

José Luiz Fiorin, USP

É Doutor em Lingüística pela Universidade de São Paulo (1983). Fez pós-doutorado na Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (Paris) (1983-1984) e na Universidade de Bucareste (1991-1992). Atualmente é Professor Associado do Departamento de Lingüística da FFLCH da Universidade de São Paulo. Foi membro do Conselho Deliberativo do CNPq (2000-2004) e Representante da Área de Letras e Ligüística na CAPES (1995-1999). Tem experiência na área de Lingüística, com ênfase em Teoria e Análise Lingüística, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: enunciação, estratégias discursivas, procedimentos de constituição do sentido do discurso e do texto, produção dos discurso sociais verbais.



How to Cite

Fiorin, J. L. (2007). Semiotics and rhetoric. Gragoatá, 12(23). Retrieved from