Interaction, intercomprehension failures and professional identity: discursive traces of social


  • Marty Laforest Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada


interação, análise da conservação, identidade profissional, saberes implícitos


Following a brief background of the interactional paradigm in language sciences, our purpose in this article is to demonstrate the usefulness of an interactional analysis anchored in the discursive traces left by “intercomprehension failures.” A failure of this kind reveals the non-coincidence between interlocutors’ expectations as well as the non-coincidence of their interpretation of what is said to them in a given situation. Two reports of intervention produced during a work meeting in a Québec birthing centre are analyzed. The results show that the intercomprehension failure in this situation results because the speaker who produced the reports – a student midwife – does not possess the implicit knowledge shared by the official midwives and consequently fails to adequately select the elements that should figure in the report. This incomplete appropriation of implicit knowledge is the mark of a professional identity in the process of its acquisition.


Original in French.


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Author Biography

Marty Laforest, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada

Professora de lingüística da Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, desenvolve suas pesquisas no campo da análise do discurso, da sociolingüística e da pragmática. Hoje, interessa-se particularmente pela relação de conflito no discurso e pela negociação do sentido na interação. Organizou recentemente um livro sobre o mal-entendido (Le malentendu : Dire, mésentendre, mésinterpréter, 2005).



How to Cite

Laforest, M. (2006). Interaction, intercomprehension failures and professional identity: discursive traces of social. Gragoatá, 11(20). Retrieved from