The non-isochronous resources and their effects of meaning in "Último capítulo"


  • Patrícia Alves Cardoso UEMG


Machado de Assis, stories, sense effects


In this paper we seek to observe haw the use of temporal procedures influences the production of meanings in Machado's discourse. In order to conduct the study, we analysed the short story "Último capítulo" from the book Histórias sem data by Machado de Assis. Having defined the text we established a theoretical method with distinct sources hoping to observe the temporal components from the point of view of rhetorical investments which imply obtaining effects of meanings in the textual organization. The main goal of the research was to verify how the temporal elements are explored rhetorically given the poetic elements and in the production of a more ambiguous understanding.


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Author Biography

Patrícia Alves Cardoso, UEMG

Professora da Fundação Educacional de Ituiutaba, Campus Fundacional da Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais. Mestre em Teoria da Literatura, pela UNESP e Doutoranda também pela UNESP, campus de São José do Rio Preto/SP.



How to Cite

Cardoso, P. A. (2005). The non-isochronous resources and their effects of meaning in "Último capítulo". Gragoatá, 10(18). Retrieved from