Personal archives and the boundaries of the archival science


  • André Porto Ancona Lopez Universidade Estadual Maringá


archival principles, archival records, personal archives.


The article discusses some particularities of personal archives, focusing archival science principles as a whole. Personal archives, due to the fact of being more susceptible to have their custody interrupted by the heirs and due to being constituted by materials related to personal interests of their owners, which mean that they cannot be generalized, require the adequacy of the archival science theoretical principles. The loss of contextual data of the record production could compromise the extraction of meaning from the documents. The general issue is illustrated with some detached examples.


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Author Biography

André Porto Ancona Lopez, Universidade Estadual Maringá

Doutor em História Social pela Universidade de São Paulo. Especialista em arquivos pelo Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros da USP. Professor do Departamento de História da Universidade Estadual Maringá. Professor do Curso de Especialização em Arquivos do IEB-USP. Coordenador editorial da Editora da Universidade Estadual de Maringá. Autor de artigos publicados em revistas especializadas.



How to Cite

Lopez, A. P. A. (2005). Personal archives and the boundaries of the archival science. Gragoatá, 8(15). Retrieved from



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