Legal discourse on the translation of ‘The Runway Jury’, by Grisham: a network of differences


  • Érika Nogueira de Andrade Stupiello Unilago


Legal discourse, Invisibility, Bestseller.


In discussing the translation options for the best-seller 'The Runway Jury' by John Grisham, the purpose of this paper is to contemplate translation practices whose purpose would be to produce a fluent translated discourse concealing the translator's intervention in order to achieve acceptance by readers. According to the consideration given on the generally conceived image of best-sellers and some excerpts taken from the original aforementioned and its translation, entitled 'O júri' by Aulyde Soares Rodrigues, it has been possible to conclude that the translator is present throughout his or her production, which would not be limited to the intact transport of legal meanings, but always subject to his or her creative and inevitable transforming intervention.


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Author Biography

Érika Nogueira de Andrade Stupiello, Unilago

Professora na Unilago de São José do Rio Preto. Escreveu "A visibilidade do tradutor público na tradução juramentada: uma questão de responsabilidade" e "A inevitabilidade da visibilidade do tradutor".



How to Cite

Stupiello, Érika N. de A. (2016). Legal discourse on the translation of ‘The Runway Jury’, by Grisham: a network of differences. Gragoatá, 7(13). Retrieved from



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