Formative horizons, places of speech: Antonio Candido and the pedagogy of the poem


  • Ítalo Moriconi UERJ


Antonio Candido, Brazilian poetry, Brazilian "Modernismo".


This article discusses the pedagogy of the poem in the work and in the life of Antonio Candido, as a Professor and the most eminent figure in the tradition of the Humanities at USP. Candido's work is seen against the background of his longtime conflict with his challengers in the literary milieu of São Paulo: the "concretista" avant-garde group of the 50's and 60's. It is also seen in the context of the history of professional academic literary criticism in Brazil.


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Author Biography

Ítalo Moriconi, UERJ

Professor de Literatura Brasileira e Comparada na UERI, poeta e crítico literário. Autor das antologias Os cem melhores contos e Os cem melhores poemas brasileiros do século (Ed. Objetiva). Publicou em 2002 o livro Como e por que ler a poesia brasileira do século XX, pela mesma editora, e está por concluir a organização de um livro de correspondência de Caio Fernando Abreu.



How to Cite

Moriconi, Ítalo. (2016). Formative horizons, places of speech: Antonio Candido and the pedagogy of the poem. Gragoatá, 7(12). Retrieved from



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