Locus of enunciation and mexican collective Batallones Femeninos: mapping a decolonial pedagogy in the Global South




Decolonialidade. Pedagogia decolonial. Lócus de enunciação. Fronteira Norte. Feminismos.


In this text, from a decolonial perspective (BALLESTRIN, 2013; BERNARDINO-COSTA; MALDONADO TORRES; GROSFOGUEL 2019) and according to the epistemologies of the South (SANTOS, 2019; 2010; 1995; MENESES, 2008), we intend to highlight how the locus of enunciation (BERNARDINO-COSTA; GROSFOGUEL, 2016; FIGUEIREDO; GROSFOGUEL, 2010; GROSFOGUEL, 2006; 2010) is crucial for the definition of decolonial practices and attitudes. Thus, as a robust device, we understand that the enunciation locus materializes a praxis contrary to the established hegemonic order, becoming a space of practices and actions that drive decolonial pedagogies (WALSH, 2013; MOTA NETO; STRECKS, 2019). Therefore, when occupying this space, the processes and conditions of subordination imposed are stressed, causing other forms of subjectivity to emerge, which face the dimensions of the coloniality of being, power, and knowledge (QUIJANO, 2005). This text is structured as follows: at first, we explain our understanding of the locus of enunciation as a catalyst and potentiator of discourses and language practices that reconfigure the enunciative space of the global South, reverberating in the form of decolonial practices. To this end, particularizing the scenario of the northern border of Mexico, we opted for the voices of rappers from the collective Batallones Femeninos and presented how they find “their place in the world” through a set of language practices, substantiated in the praxis of a decolonial pedagogy.

Keywords: Decoloniality. Decolonial pedagogy. Locus of enunciation. North border. Feminisms.


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How to Cite

Tiba Rádis Baptista, L. M. (2021). Locus of enunciation and mexican collective Batallones Femeninos: mapping a decolonial pedagogy in the Global South. Gragoatá, 26(56), 1115-1147.