Historia de un amor imposible: escenas filosóficas del régimen poético





Poetry. Philosophy. Thoughtfulness. Affectivity.


What is the reason of the reappearance, from Plato to Agamben, of the considerations about poetry, almost like a philosophical obsession? As a matter of fact, poetry goes through all of the symbolic spaces of philosophy –exterior, interior and in between. In turn, poetry appears in every temporal instance –poetry as the origin of philosophy; as a “natural” continue of the philosophical avatar and as its ultimate limit. In the current paper, I would like to concentrate in some punctual cases (that we could call, with Rancière, scenes of the poetic regime) that aloud as to rethink those space-time movements of poetry inside philosophy in order to elaborate, at the same time, the relation between thinking and feeling, that take place as a consequence of the contact (always with passion, sometimes with violence) between poetry and philosophy.


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How to Cite

Moscardi, M. (2022). Historia de un amor imposible: escenas filosóficas del régimen poético. Gragoatá, 27(57), 23-54. https://doi.org/10.22409/gragoata.v27i57.50552