Writing Back to The Bible: Feminist and Post-Colonial Ecocriticisms in Ursula Le Guin’s “She Unnames Them”


  • Déborah Scheidt UEPG - Universidade Estatual de Ponta Grossa


Ecofeminism; Post-colonial ecocriticism; Ursula Le Guin; “She Unnames Them”; Writing Back


By positing that the first woman’s actions were the catalyst of humanity’s fall from God’s grace, and from then on fostering biased and misogynist views of the role of women in society, the biblical narrative of Adam and Eve has become one of the most influential texts in the History of Western women. Although the authority of The Book of Genesis to dictate the status quo of women has been repeatedly called into question along the centuries, it was with the advent of Feminism that the movement of “writing back” to the Bible was intensified. This article examines how, by using strategies of literary fantasy, Ursula Le Guin’s short story “She Unnames Them” rewrites the biblical text of Genesis. In Le Guin’s narrative Eve is given protagonism, so that, through the rebellious initiative of unnaming, she is able to create a meaningful connection between herself and the animals that populate the Garden of Eden. The specific aim of the article is to explore the articulations between Feminism, Post-Colonialism and Ecocriticism in Le Guin’s short story, linking the strategy of “writing back” with ecofeminism through Val Plumwood’s conclusions on binarism, as well as with post-colonial ecocriticism, via Mary Louise Pratt’s concept of Eurocentered planetary consciousness,  among other theories that help explain the power relations between the human and the non-human spheres.


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Author Biography

Déborah Scheidt, UEPG - Universidade Estatual de Ponta Grossa

Déborah Scheidt é Doutora em Estudos Literários pela UFPR (2014) e Mestre em Letras - Literaturas de Língua Inglesa pela mesma instituição. É professora do Departamento de Estudos da Linguagem da Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa, onde ministra disciplinas relacionadas a literaturas de língua inglesa. Tem interesse especial por literatura comparada e litertura australiana.




How to Cite

Scheidt, D. (2023). Writing Back to The Bible: Feminist and Post-Colonial Ecocriticisms in Ursula Le Guin’s “She Unnames Them”. Gragoatá, 28(61), e56688. Retrieved from https://periodicos.uff.br/gragoata/article/view/56688