“Une question de musique”: The epistolary dialogue between Eugénio de Andrade and Michel Chandeigne on the french translation of Os lugares do lume


  • Marcella Petriglia Sapienza Università di Roma, Roma, Itália.




Genetic Translation Studies, Correspondence, Translation, Eugénio de Andrade, Archive materials


Eugénio de Andrade kept many documents related to the translations of his works, among which the correspondences with some of his translators. In this paper, we analyze the French translation of some of the poems included in Os lugares do lume realized by Michel Chandeigne and sent by fax by the translator himself, along with some notes. The dialogue between the two focuses on translation units which they comment, starting from the title. We get information about the translator’s poetics and the poet’s poetics as a translator; the analyzed material (totally unpublished) is also an example of epistolary exchange as part of a translation’s genetic dossier.


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How to Cite

Petriglia, M. (2024). “Une question de musique”: The epistolary dialogue between Eugénio de Andrade and Michel Chandeigne on the french translation of Os lugares do lume . Gragoatá, 29(65), e61388. https://doi.org/10.22409/gragoata.v29i65.61388.pt