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Faco, Flávia Priscila Pereira, Centro Universitário de Santa Fé do Sul
Fagundes Campello, Andréao
Fagundes Gonçalves, Katiéli
Fares, Raíssa Dias, Centro Educacional Serra dos Órgãos (UNIFESO)
Farias, Illa Oliveira Bitencourt , Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública (EBMSP).

, European Center of Postgraduation, Porto, Portugal
, Private Office, Ireland


Feitosa, Alfredo Carlos Rodrigues, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
Fernanda Britto de Melo Silva, Fernanda

, Private Practice – MI, U.S.A.
, University of Michigan School of Dentistry (Brazil)
, Private Office, Ann Arbor, MI, U.S.A.
, Independent Researcher (United States)
, University of Michigan School of Dentistry


Fernandes, Alexandre Moreira , Centro Universitário Newton Paiva
Fernandes, Gustavo Vicentis de Oliveira , Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Viseu - Portugal)
Fernandes, Gustavo Vicentis de Oliveira, Periodontics and Oral Medicine Department, University of Michigan School of Dentistry MI, North University Ave, Ann Arbor, MI, U.S.A., 48109
Fernandes, Gustavo Vicentis de Oliveira, Fernando Pessoa University - Porto, Portugal
Fernandes, Gustavo Vicentis de Oliveira, Universidade Católica Portuguesa - Faculty of Dental Medicine, Viseu, Portugal
Fernandes, Gustavo Vicentis de Oliveira, University of Michigan School of Dentistry (United States)
Fernandes, Gustavo Vicentis de Oliveira, University of Michigan School of Dentistry, Periodontics and Oral Medicine Department, Ann Arbor, MI, U.S.A. (Brazil)
Fernandes, Marcela Côrte Real, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco- UFPE
Ferreira, Beatriz Vasconcellos, Universidade Federal Fluminense
Ferreira, Celine, Instituto Esperança de Ensino Superior (IESPES)
Ferreira, Edson

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