Endoscopic analysis of alterations in sinus floor elevation approaching the summers technique and immediate implant: a clinical trial with 10 years follow-up
The goal of this study was to evaluate by endoscopy, possible intercurrences during the sinus floor lifting employing the Summers technique, besides verify the implants’ survival rate after 10 years. Six patients (12 sinus) were included in this study. The same surgeon performed the procedures, under local anesthesia and venous sedation in the hospital. All participants underwent sinus lift and implant placement in only one procedure, as previously planned, using endoscopic analysis (Stortz®). All cases received bovine bone graft (Bio-Oss®) before the implant placement. After 10 years, the patients were recalled for follow-up. Two intercurrences (16.66%) were detected using the endoscope, one simple rupture, and another perforation with the leaking of the graft within the sinus. Both were reverted and corrected immediately. There was one implant loss (8.33%), therefore this patient did not undergo any intercurrence in transoperative, and the membrane was elevated lesser than 5 mm. The survival rate reached was 91.66%. The osteotome technique constitutes a reliable method with a long-term of 10 years presenting a high implant survival rate, suggesting an elevation up to 5.5 mm in healthy patients. The occurrences in transoperative were only detected by the endoscopic analysis which must be stimulated to guarantee more secure visibility. Otherwise, the association the atraumatic technique and endoscope was tough, increased the costs, limiting the use routinely.
Keywords: Endoscope; Maxillary sinus; Elevation; Closed technique; Sinus lifting; Summers Technique; Long-term evaluation.