Health and education are indispensable for human existence, being are connected, as education is the basis for a healthy life. Thus, the objective this research is demonstrate the importance of dentist in promotion, prevention and curative activities at school setting with focus in the health students’ improvement. For this was realize a bibliographic review, by these keywords “Health Promotion”, “Prevention”, “School”, “Oral Health”, “Health Education”, “Curative Activities” and “Dental”, contemplate works in Portuguese and English published in the period the 2016 to 2021. Due to high level of oral diseases presented in Brazil during the last 90’, were realize a several changes in the Public Politics of Oral Health. The Health in School Program come with focus in create tie between health and education, with the inclusion to oral health team in the schools, engage during all process the students, professionals, families and the members of local communities. A big challenge for de education institutions is realizing the integration between the health and educational sectors, in order to development a didactic routine for realization to promotion, prevention and curatives activities in the schools. The educative program’s execution can be realized with several methods, as supervised grooming, fluor topical application, lectures, theatric, flyers among others. In the health promotions activities happen too the increase in the family and community knowledge, contributing for change habits, as a decrease of oral negative customs. This away, the health promotion and prevents actions in the schools contribute for create of healthy habits, that will take accompany students for all life.
Keywords: Education. Health Promotion. Oral Health.