Dental implications arising from involvement by Crohn’s disease


  • Sérgio Spezzia Escola Paulista de Medicina - Universidade Federal de São Paulo.



Crohn's disease (CD) is a chronic inflammatory pathology that affects the intestinal mucosa, which can affect a certain area or more proximal organs. The inflammatory process resulting from the action of the disease affects the small intestine, and can spread to any other area located in the gastrointestinal tract, and at the same time it can manifest itself in regions located extraintestinally. In the dental field and arising from the repercussions of oral lesions of the disease, it is important to show that these lesions arise from extraintestinal manifestations arising from the action of the disease. The aim of this article was to show how chron's disease can affect oral manifestations. A narrative review of the literature was carried out with a survey of studies and articles that dealt with oral manifestations arising from Chron's disease in the Google Scholar database. The involvement of lesions in the oral cavity requires the role of the dental surgeon to solve the dental problems presented, and it is important that the contacting professional has knowledge and awareness about the oral manifestations that may occur as a result of the presence of CD in their patients at the time of their intervention. . The treatment of CD must be carried out by a multidisciplinary team, in which the dental surgeon must necessarily appear. It was concluded that the role of the dental surgeon is of fundamental importance in coping with CD, since it can help in the detection of this pathology, establishing an early diagnosis and can provide a better quality of life for the sick, since the oral conditions with manifestation of this disease can be painful.

Keywords: Disease Prevention. Early Diagnosis. Dental Care. Quality of Life.


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Author Biography

Sérgio Spezzia, Escola Paulista de Medicina - Universidade Federal de São Paulo.

Cirurgião Dentista. Mestre em Ciências pela Escola Paulista de Medicina - Universidade Federal de São Paulo.




