Absorbable and non-absorbable membranes types applied to implant dentistry: systematic review


  • Fernanda Cunha Bizzo Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Isabela Dias dos Santos Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Marcos da Veiga Kalil Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Julya Vittória de Azevedo dos Santos Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Suelen da Silva Santos Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Maria Theresa Alves da Cunha Kalil Universidade Federal Fluminense




Bone is a specialized, vascularized and dynamic connective tissue that changes throughout life. When it is damaged, it has the capacity to regenerate and repair itself without the presence of scars, but in some situations, due to the extent of the bone defect, the tissue does not regenerate completely. Bone regeneration procedures are therefore necessary. There are various types of grafts and techniques using different barriers and membranes for this purpose. Given the importance of bone reconstruction, it is necessary to know the viability and influence of biomaterials, associated or not with autogenous and xenogenous grafts, on bone repair. The aim of this study was to carry out a systematic review to list the types of barriers and membranes most commonly used in dental bone surgery, their composition and indications.

Keywords: Bone Regeneration, Guided Tissue Regeneration, Implant Dentistry, Guided Bone Regeneration, Absorbable Membrane, Non-absorbable Membrane,  Resorbable Membrane.


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