Open Call until 06/30/2024 (extended!)


Dossier “Communication, everyday life and the environment: theoretical interfaces and media activism”

At this moment in human society, more than ever, it is necessary to understand and debate the role of communication in areas such as science, the environment and the climate crisis. This edition of the magazine Mídia & Cotidiano, through the dossier “Communication, everyday life and environment: theoretical interfaces and media activism” hopes to receive unpublished articles that seek to contribute to confronting socio-environmental problems that have already become chronic and systemic at all points of the planet. In this sense, texts that present research results and debate the potential of Environmental Communication – and its derivations – are welcome, especially considering:

- the mediatized scenario and the production of meanings, imaginaries and engagements in the perception of the current environmental crisis;

- activism and net-activism in confronting socio-environmental risks;

- media processes and products in the constitution of a new environmental sensitivity;

- the media and the debate on environmental preservation and biodiversity in a geography agreed upon by the violent colonial process (problematized in light of issues of gender, race, etc.);

- theoretical and empirical innovations in the field of Communication and Environment;

The proposal, therefore, is to promote the exercise of critical and active thinking about communication, daily life and the environment, in order to also create interfaces with the most diverse areas of knowledge. This position considers that confronting the environmental crisis and the destruction of the planet implies theoretical mobilizations for actions that do not ignore the extent to which current social and economic inequalities are the result of a Eurocentric and exclusionary historical process, still in force today.

Submission of articles: until June 30, 2024 (new date!)
Published: September 2024

Publishers: Myrian Del Vecchio (UFPR); Luciana Miranda Costa (UFRN); Denise Tavares (UFF).