Ana Regina Rêgo: a network to fight disinformation




Disinformation, Big techs, Surveillance capitalism


Ana Regina Rêgo is a professor at the Federal University of Piauí and heads the National Network to Combat Disinformation (RNCD), a hub of academic, professional and activist initiatives that face rumors, biased narratives and falsehoods. In this interview, carried out in June 2021 by email, the researcher describes the functioning of the network, which already has more than 120 partners throughout Brazil, and points out some of the main challenges in combating lies and informational manipulation, such as the strategies of capitalism in surveillance, adopted by the big techs.


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How to Cite

Christofoletti, R. (2021). Ana Regina Rêgo: a network to fight disinformation. Mídia E Cotidiano, 15(3), 339-356.