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Media, Alienation and Extension: innocence in the use of new media




Media, Alienation, Extension


Paradoxically, the means are seen as elements that generate both emancipation and alienation. The critique of alienation is commonly observed in the Frankfurt School discourse, while the vision of emancipation is in the Theory of Means. Analyzing this issue dialectically, we intend to confront the functionalist view of McLuhan's Theory of Means, with the critical view of Adorno and Horkheimer's Frankfurt School, in order to seek a synthesis that demonstrates how the two ideas validate, and that the means they produce both alienation and emancipation. To develop this question, it will be observed how at the beginning of any media revolution, the innocence of users usually facilitates the emergence of political figures with fundamentalist discourses: it was like that with the mass media and Nazism, it has been like that with the media digital.


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Author Biography

Patricio Dugnani, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

PhD in Communication and Semiotics at PUC / SP, Master in Communication and Semiotics at PUC / SP and Bachelor of Fine Arts from Unesp. Professor in the areas of Communication and Arts at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. Professor of Arts at Colégio Giordano Bruno. Researcher at the Observatório da Imagem research group and researcher at the research group (CNPQ) Language, society and identity: studies on the media, from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. Author and Illustrator with the following published books: The Symbolic Heritage in Azulejaria Barroca (2012). The Book of Labyrinths (2004). Ovelhas e Lobos (2002), Beleléu (2003 / PNLD 2004), O Seu Lugar (2005 / PNLD 2006), A Better World (2006), Beleléu and the Numbers (2009), Beleléu and the Colors (2010), Beleléu and the Forms (2011), Beleléu and the Words (2014), What it takes to fly (2020). Researcher and Author of scientific articles in the areas of Communication, Applied Sociology, Arts and Semiotics.


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How to Cite

Dugnani, P. (2022). Media, Alienation and Extension: innocence in the use of new media. Mídia E Cotidiano, 16(1), 268-282.