Hashtags in transmedia curation for film festivals and the MixBrasil experience





Hashtag, Film festivals, Media, Media convergence


As a result of the changes in the behavior of movie and film festivals spectators related to the pandemic, information about event content began to be provided almost exclusively on line. Hashtags are terms associated with topics that can be related to themes present in movies. Its use aims to facilitate navigation and increase engagement of film festival viewers on digital platforms. For festival curators, it offers the challenge of thinking about new axes for programming. MixBrasil Festival introduced in 2021 hashtags as part of the information in its program with the goal of making through them the convergence of different languages and formats.


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Author Biographies

João Carlos Massarolo, UFSCar

Doutor em Cinema pela USP, Professor associado da Universidade Federal de São Carlos e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Imagem e Som. É diretor e roteirista de vários filmes e, atualmente, pesquisa a narrativa transmídia.

Andre Fischer, UFSCar

Mestrando no PPGIS UFSCar, criador e diretor do Festival MixBrasil de Cultura da Diversidade desde 1993, diretor do Centro Cultural da Diversidade da Secretaria Municipal de Cultura. Sete livros publicados, curador e jurado em festivais de cinema no Brasil e no exterior. Palestrante e consultor sobre assuntos ligados à temática da Diversidade. Economia/UFRJ, Gestão Estratégica de Digital Analytics/FGV, Marketing Digital & Data Science/Fiap 


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How to Cite

Massarolo, J. C. ., & Fischer, A. (2022). Hashtags in transmedia curation for film festivals and the MixBrasil experience . Media and Everyday Life, 17(1), 186-203. https://doi.org/10.22409/rmc.v17i1.55833