Diffusion of Innovations, Subway Work and Networking Processes in the São Paulo Subway: The Experience of Line 5-Lilac





Diffusion of Innovations, Networking Processes, Multitasking Work, Communicative Circuits, Subway (São Paulo)


The subway system of the city of São Paulo is undergoing a process of full expansion, modernization and privatization of its lines, with the introduction of technological and organizational innovations. In this paper, I present some results of my ethnographic research on the diffusion of innovations (ROGERS, 2003) and networking processes in the São Paulo subway, focusing on the experience of Line 5-Lilac, the first privately operated and modernized existing line. I explore how the association between technological and organizational innovations under the new private appropriation regime restructured subway work, making it multitasking, and how this has been reshaping the daily relations in the communicative circuits of Line 5-Lilac, with effects in the entire subway as a network.


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Author Biography

Janice Caiafa, UFRJ

Mestre em Antropologia Social pelo Museu Nacional, UFRJ e doutora em Antropologia pela Cornell University, EUA. Professora do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação e Cultura da Escola de Comunicação da UFRJ e pesquisadora do CNPq.


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How to Cite

Caiafa, J. (2023). Diffusion of Innovations, Subway Work and Networking Processes in the São Paulo Subway: The Experience of Line 5-Lilac. Mídia E Cotidiano, 17(3), 119-143. https://doi.org/10.22409/rmc.v17i3.58714