Ashes, smithereens and tracks: notes about the notion of vestige




art; vestige; destruction; disappearance


This article presents some reflections on the notion of vestige, from the artistic works of Claudio Parmiggiani, Alberto Giacometti and Carlos Vergara. Some theoretical-critical perspectives of Jean-Luc Nancy and Georges Didi-Huberman are considered in this analysis. It seeks to think about possible relations between art and vestige, in view of the understanding of artistic operation as something that concerns or includes destructive and disappearance procedures.


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Author Biography

Daidrê Thomas de Amorim, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Daidrê Thomas de Amorim é mestranda em Artes Cênicas pela Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. 


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How to Cite

Thomas de Amorim, D. (2022). Ashes, smithereens and tracks: notes about the notion of vestige. REVISTA POIÉSIS, 23(39), 136-154.