
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • I declare that I participated in the conception of the work, in part or in full.
  • I declare that I have registered funding agencies, any connections or financing agreements and institutional support, when this was the case for the development of the research and the manuscript and that may be of interest in the publication of this article.
  • I declare that the text is original and certify that the work, in part or in full, or any other work with substantially similar content of my authorship, has not been sent to another journal and will not be sent while its publication is being considered by Revista Goitacá.
  • The files for submission are in Doc and Docx format. The text is in the magazine's template and follows all its indications.
  • The manuscript has been rigorously revised, in accordance with current grammatical rules.
  • All Internet pages addresses (URLs) included in the text (eg are active and ready to click.
  • The authorship identification of the work was removed from the file, from the text and from the properties option in Word (or in the software used), thus guaranteeing the journal's secrecy criteria according to the instructions available in Ensuring Blind Peer Review.
  • I declare that I am aware that during editing the manuscript will be adapted to the project and editorial format of Revista Goitacá.
  • I declare that I am aware that the copyright for articles published in this journal belongs to the author, with first publication rights for the Journal. That Revista Goitacá adopts the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
  • All co-authors agree that this is the final version of the document as well as their submission for evaluation and possible publication in this journal.
  • The text doesn't exceed the limit of 3 (three) members (author and co-authors).
  • As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify submission compliance against all of the items listed below. Submissions that do not comply with the rules will be returned to the authors.
  • The authors recognize that there is no plagiarism, fabrication of research, falsification or manipulation of data in their work.
  • In a supplementary document, in word format, are inserted the identification data of the author(s) that will be informed in the article if it is approved:

    Full name. XX University (Acronym). City - Acronym of State, Country. Professional credits. Updated title. ORCID (if you have one). Email address. Mailing address.
  • The ORCID of each author is included in the submission metadata.
  • A supplementary Spelling and Grammar Review Declaration document was made available upon submission of the work.

Author Guidelines

1- The works submitted for publication must be unpublished, not being allowed their simultaneous presentation to another journal, both the text, figures and tables;

2- Revista Goitacá, in each issue, prioritizes the publication of scientific research articles and/or essays relevant to the thematic area;

3- Authorship attributes credit and implies responsibility for the published content. Thus, the opinions and concepts expressed in the manuscripts, as well as the accuracy, adequacy and origin of citations and references, are the sole responsibility of the author, not necessarily reflecting the position of the Editorial Committee;

4- Revista Goitacá does not publish works by the same author or co-author within a period of less than 24 months;

5- Revista Goitacá publishes works in Portuguese, Spanish and English;

6- Revista Goitacá does not remunerate authors who have their works published in it;

7- The only tool available for sending articles and other manuscripts is through the Magazine's Portal platform, To do so, simply access the Magazine's website and click on register (for a new author on the platform) or access (if you have registered in any of the magazines on the Portal);

8- The submission of works to the Magazine will imply acceptance by the author of the norms expressed here;

9- Articles submitted by graduate students (Masters and/or Doctorate) will only be accepted if written in co-authorship with the Advisor, as suggested by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel) – CAPES;

10- Articles submitted by undergraduate students will only be accepted if written in co-authorship with the Advisor;

11- Only 01 (one) submission per author and respective co-author(s) will be accepted for “peer review”. While the text is being evaluated, other submissions by the same author or co-author(s) will not be accepted;

To ensure the integrity of the blind peer review for submission to this journal, every effort should be made to prevent the identities of authors and reviewers from becoming known to each other. This involves authors, editors and reviewers verifying that the following measures have been taken in relation to the text and file properties:

  • Document authors should exclude their names from the text, with the literal “Author” and year used in references and footnotes, instead of authors' names, article title, etc.
  • In Microsoft Office documents, the author identification must also be removed from the file properties (see the File menu in Word) by clicking on the following, starting with File in the main menu of the Microsoft app: File > Save As > Tools (or Options on Mac) > Security > Remove personal information from file properties on save > Save.
  • Document authors should exclude their names from the text, with the literal "Author" and year used in references and footnotes, instead of authors' names, article title, etc.

The document authors must remove personal information from file properties by performing the following steps:

Microsoft Word (version 365) for Windows:

  • Go to the file;
  • Select information;
  • Click Check for Problems;
  • Click on Inspect document;
  • In the Document Inspector dialog box, select the checkboxes to choose the type of hidden content you want to be inspected;
  • Click on Inspect;
  • Under Document Properties and Personal
  • Information Click Remove All;
  • Click Close;
  • Save the document.

Microsoft Word for MacOS:

  • Go to Tools;
  • Click Protect Document;
    Select Remove personal information from this file on save;
  • Click OK and save the file.

- With PDFs, author names must also be removed from Document Properties, found under the File option in the Adobe Acrobat main menu.

  • Go to the file;
  • Select properties;
  • Remove any name in the author field;
  • Click OK;
  • Save the document.

- Section Policies and Nature of Manuscripts.
- Research ethics and good publication practices.

12- Three documents must be obligatorily attached to the platform upon submission:

- The WORK (ARTICLE, CRITICAL REVIEW or ESSAY) - must be sent completely devoid of any elements that could identify the author (according to the information available above regarding the "peer review" process).

Click on the type of work you intend to submit to Revista Goitacá to access the respective template:

- The COVER PAGE - must be sent in a separate file from the article and contain the author(s) identification data: full name, university XX (acronym), city (state abbreviation, country), professional credits, up-to-date title, ORCID, email address and mailing address.

Access: Cover Sheet Template

The author(s) must be registered in the ORCID database and inform it on the cover page during the act of submission. Don't know how to register Orcid? Find out how by clicking here.

- The DECLARATION OF SPELLING AND GRAMMAR REVISION - must be sent in a file separate from the article and the cover page, containing the information and signature of a person responsible for the service of spelling, grammar, intelligibility, textual coherence and cohesion, etc.

Access: Spelling and Grammar Review Declaration Template

Don't know how to download the templates available on the site? Go here to follow the step by step.

Citations and references

They must be made based on the standards of the Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards) - ABNT. Citations must be included using the author/date system based on NBR 10520/2002 and references must use NBR 6023/2018.

Formatting and extension

- The authors must submit the article or essay in the format indicated in the respective template, with a minimum of 12 pages and a maximum of 20 pages.

- In the case of submitting a review, you must use the formatting indicated in the respective template, with a maximum of 05 pages.

- Files must be in Doc and/or Docx format.

- The document must not contain any comments or data that could identify the authors in the manuscript.

Articles and Free Themes

This is an original and unpublished scientific work, the result of research of an empirical or theoretical nature, as well as analysis and evaluations of theoretical-methodological and conceptual trends, written in Portuguese, Spanish or English. Article must have a minimum of 12 pages and a maximum of 20 pages, with 25 lines, including tables, illustrations and references.

Experience Report

It presents a study, case report or description with analysis of conceptual implications, description of procedures or intervention strategies, containing appropriate methodological evidence. The article must present between 5 and 10 pages, including tables, illustrations and references.


Discussion with guests relating to a specific article or an issue of the journal, with a maximum of 5 pages.

Book review

Presentation and book review guiding the reader as to its characteristics and potential uses; constituting a commented summary, with opinions that can give an overview of the work. Minimum of three and maximum of five pages.

- Critical review is one that summarizes and interprets the source text, in which the author addresses the way the book is distributed, the organization and the information described therein. Presenting a value judgment on the book under review, based on solid references and the presentation of positive and negative points.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.