This is an outdated version published on 2020-11-28. Read the most recent version.

DECREE nº 13,775 of October 8, 2020, which creates the Jorge Nassim Vieira Najjar Municipal Unit for Early Childhood Education


  • Flavia Monteiro de Barros Araujo



Decree , Tribute, Jorge Najjar


Because of all contributions of Professor Jorge Nassin Vieira Najjar to Municipal Network of Education of Niterói, it is natural that our sincere tribute and thanks to him were expressed with his name to one of our educational units.

Jorge's remarkable presence in the city of Niteroi was not limited to his brilliant stinging at the UFF School of Education. In addition to having trained and guided numerous teachers, educators and managers working in the Municipal Network, Jorge developed a close relationship with our schools and was always present and active in our main educational debates, collaborating with us also as Municipal Council of Education.

His struggle for democratic management and quality public education will always be present, inspiring the daily work of the Municipal Network of Education of Niteroi.


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PREFEITURA MUNICIPAL DE NITERÓI. SECRETARIA MUNICIPAL DE EDUCAÇÃO DE NITERÓI. Decreto nº 13.775, de 8 de outubro de 2020, que cria a Unidade Municipal de Educação Infantil Jorge Nassim Vieira Najjar. Niteroi: Procuradoria Geral do Município de Niteroi, 2020.


2020-11-27 — Updated on 2020-11-28


How to Cite

Araujo, F. M. de B. (2020). DECREE nº 13,775 of October 8, 2020, which creates the Jorge Nassim Vieira Najjar Municipal Unit for Early Childhood Education. Movement - Education Journal, 7(14). (Original work published November 27, 2020)



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