Plant biodiversity promoting food security
the experience of the PANC UFF Program in the dissemination of Non-Conventional Food Plants
Sustainability, Education, Health, Participatory methodologiesAbstract
The extension program “Getting to Know Other Edible Plants - PANC UFF” promotes the use of Non-Conventional Food Plants (PANC) as a tool for food security and health promotion for the community in general. By integrating academic and popular knowledge, the program strengthens sustainable food practices with a focus on biodiversity and food autonomy. Aligned with the Sustainable Devel¬opment Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 2 (Zero Hunger) and SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being), the project develops educational activities that explore the po¬tential of PANC in improving the quality of life. Through workshops, educational games, and technologies, the PANC-UFF fosters innovative education that brings together the communities and the academy, allowing for dialogue and the recov¬ery of traditional knowledge. This integration strengthens the university exten¬sion work as a space for promoting health and well-being, while contributing to awareness about the positive impact of a diverse, nutritious, and ecological diet. The extension practices developed face challenges such as cultural resistance and lack of knowledge about the PANC, but seek to overcome them through par¬ticipatory and inclusive methodologies. Thus, the program offers an innovative approach to health promotion, fostering knowledge exchange between the uni¬versity and the society, and encouraging the development of public policies that support the sustainable use of PANC and the preservation of biodiversity.
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