Mídia e Democracia
Os Diferentes Papéis dos Meios de Comunicação de Massa nas Sociedades Contemporâneas
Democracia, Mídia, Agente Econômico, Esfera Pública, Partidos PolíticosAbstract
This article, based on the literature produced by important thinkers who have studied and thought about the relationship between media and democracy, since its beginnings, presents a brief description and analysis of the main roles played by the mass media in contemporary societies. This is an attempt to describe and analyze how the mass media have silently assumed an almost absolute centrality in the daily lives of populations today. And when the expression “silently” is used here, it is because the media is so integrated into human activities that it is no longer perceived as such. In the first section there is the introduction, with the presentation of the theme with some historical information. In the second section, there is a description of the transformation of the media into private capitalist companies and its implications for their end functions in today's societies. In the third section, there is a description and analysis of the role of the main platform for the manifestation of the Public Sphere, exercised by the mass media and all its consequences. The fourth section describes and analyzes the influence of the media in weakening political parties as one of the main organizations representing civil society in the current representative democracy model. In the fifth section there are the final considerations, which conclude that the range of roles played by the mass media today is contradictory in relation to their end functions.
Keywords: Democracy, Media, Economic Agent, Public Sphere, Political Parties
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