(Re)tracing the actor-network theory: a theoretical-epistemic-methodological essay on gaps and limitations





Semiotics, Structuralism, Ontology, Logic, Anthropology.


With an emphasis on the ontological question and on the discursive polarization of semiotic and structuralist currents of thought, in this article, piece of theoretical-methodological conception of his doctoral work, the author problematizes the Actor-Network Theory (ANT) based on global criticisms by other authors placed in dialogue with emerging controversies in the author’s research masters. In the light of Deleuze-Guattarian philosophy and analytical ontology, reflections are made on the modes of knowledge production in the westernized world, which lead authors of the ANT to consider symmetry, hybridity, complexity, and multiplicity in the internal practice of their studies, but corroborate oppositions dichotomies and epistemological barriers in the broad field of social sciences. Therefore, other exploratory terms and forms are postulated, aimed at expanding ANT, in terms of performativity, to a full anthropological study – ethnography, ethnology, and social anthropology –, so that one can analyze the productions of the being-becoming of realities in their possible multiplicities and probable regularities, considering the daily time of practices and the historical time of relational foundations.


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Author Biography

André Guimarães, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Coletiva, Universidade Federal da Bahia

Doutorando em Saúde Pública com ênfase em Ciências Sociais em Saúde pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Coletiva da Universidade Federal da Bahia.



How to Cite

Guimarães, A. (2024). (Re)tracing the actor-network theory: a theoretical-epistemic-methodological essay on gaps and limitations. Antropolítica - Revista Contemporânea De Antropologia, 56(1). https://doi.org/10.22409/antropolitica.i.a56456