The 2000s and the compensations for those affected by the dictatorship in Brazil




Dictatorship in Brazil, Amnesty, Compensation, 10.559/2002 Act.


This paper aims to analyze the effects of the 10.559/2002 Act in the historical memory policies related to the dictatorship period in Brazil. Before the 10.559/2002 Act, the legislation only acknowledged those who were killed or declared missing in consequence of the dictatorial regime. People who ad to flee the country, leaving their careers and personal lives behind, were not considered for that matter. And by disregarding that, the Estate has been ignoring and erasing these people’s experiences in exile. In the 2000s, social movements started to put some pressure on the discussion of that aspect, and the 10.559/2002 Act was passed. It acknowledges people who were granted amnesty and ensures a financial compensation for them, which is unprecedented in Brazil. This paper will look into the effects of the 10.559/2002 Act, mainly focusing on the amnesties and the compensations granted, to identify the way they were extended to certain groups and understand the reasoning and the disputes around the matter.


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Author Biography

Lívia Salgado, Pesquisadora autônoma

Professora da Educação Básica. Doutora em História pela Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro.



How to Cite

Salgado, L. (2023). The 2000s and the compensations for those affected by the dictatorship in Brazil. Antropolítica - Revista Contemporânea De Antropologia.



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