Doing research on the move: reflecting on my academic journey through Brazil, the United Kingdom and Canada




Migrations, Research mobility, Return.


This brief essay is based on my personal experiences of transnational mobility through Brazil, the England and Canada. I reflect on the notions and social experiences of return and biographical illusion (BOURDIEU, 1996) in the lives of migrants and researchers, juxtaposing my individual migrations with the research projects I have been working on since 2013, when I started my master’s degree, until 2022, when I began my post-doctorate. By analysing my own academic early-career, marked by spatial and institutional discontinuity and crossed by different research projects related to transnational migrations, I reflect on some of the main contemporary professional and existential challenges faced by recently graduated anthropologists. Early career researchers find themselves in an increasingly competitive and excluding job market, in which internationalization becomes a fundamental professional strategy. I also present a brief testimonial of how the Covid-19 pandemic affected my doctoral research, whose fieldwork would originally happen in 2020.


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Author Biography

Júlio D’ Angelo Davies, University of Bristol

Pós-doutorando na University of Bristol. Doutor em Antropologia pela Universidade Federal Fluminense. Pesquisador e Membro Associado da Academia de Ensino Superior.



How to Cite

Davies, J. D. A. (2023). Doing research on the move: reflecting on my academic journey through Brazil, the United Kingdom and Canada. Antropolítica - Revista Contemporânea De Antropologia.



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