“Renewing Relationships to Invent Traditions”: Authority and Legitimacy in Moroccan Sufism





Institutional charisma, Authority, Legitimacy, Sufism, Morocco.


This text aims to inquire about the flows of domination developed by followers of Moroccan Sufism. I highlighting the restructuring of the ritual center of the Sufi brotherhood Hamdouchiya, located in the city of Safi, on the southern coast of Morocco. This process of reorganization is examined through the actions of three individuals who play specific roles within the brotherhood. The research is based on the analysis of ethnographic data produced in Morocco between 2016 and 2017. The ritual center, by creating a particular arrangement, established a creative flow that differs from the classical model of authority and legitimacy centered on the figure of the master, a fundamental element in characterizing Sufi dynamics in general. Through the analysis of the proposed ethnographic case, it is suggested that other factors are at play, such as the degree of interaction and the nature of affinities exerted among the agents. This combination of elements or characteristics of domination may be useful in highlighting the significance of the projects carried out in the zawiya of Safi. The convergence between consolidated knowledge (traditional domination) and affective adherence (charismatic domination) around specialized local leaderships was essential to organize a field of relations that, initially, could compete for certain prominence or monopoly.


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Author Biography

Bruno Ferraz Bartel, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia, Universidade Federal do Piauí

Professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia da Universidade Federal do Piauí. Doutor em Antropologia pela Universidade Federal Fluminense.


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How to Cite

Bartel, B. F. (2024). “Renewing Relationships to Invent Traditions”: Authority and Legitimacy in Moroccan Sufism. Antropolítica - Revista Contemporânea De Antropologia, 56(3). https://doi.org/10.22409/antropolitica2024.v56.i3.a61042



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