Editorial Policies

Open Access Policy

This journal offers immediate open access to its contents, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater democratization of knowledge.

Section Policy

Dossier - This section is organized by PPGA/UFF professors or by professors selected in the annual call for dossier organization. The calls for dossiers are published in "News", articles must be submitted within the deadline stipulated by the call, and must focus on themes of Anthropology and Social Sciences. Contributions are evaluated by the organizers and external reviewers.

Articles - In this section we receive, in continuous flow, original articles with a free theme. Contributions must be ethnographical and empirical nature within the field of Anthropology and other fields of Social Sciences. Submitted articles are evaluated by the Editorial Board and external reviewers.

Crossed Perspectives - This section aims to publish articles that reflect on the various dimensions involved in anthropological work, prioritizing discussion of the international, transnational and/or comparative perspective in the experience of the researcher. We welcome papers that discuss these dimensions in terms of: 1) the realization of fieldwork, or academic experiences, of brazilians abroad or foreigners in Brazil; 2) the possibilities of academic exchanges articulated, or not, in institutional agreements and the effects on the construction or consolidation of fields of studies; 3) or, in more general terms, the potentialities, limitations, and challenges of the use of comparative and comparative perspectives in Anthropology. The contributions received are evaluated by the Editorial Board.

Trajectories and Perspectives - The aim of this section is to publish articles and essays that address reflections on the anthropological practice of anthropology, based on the experiences and trajectories of brazilian and foreign anthropologists, as well as the history of the establishment and/or consolidation of research areas or fields in Brazil and other countries. The section can include papers from memorials, interviews, translations, tributes, among other articles and/or essays, which allow the reader to get to know and discuss specific perspectives of the field of Anthropology and the Social Sciences. The contributions received are evaluated by the Editorial Board.

Reviews - This section accepts original reviews of books published in Brazil or abroad in the last three years, relevant to the field of Anthropology and Social Sciences. It is desirable that the texts submitted contain an overview of the book's content and perspective, of the field and/or area of study, as well as the author's background and the context in which the work was produced. In addition to this overview, the reviews should prioritize a critical and analytical perspective on the work reviewed.
Submitted reviews must be unpublished and respect the principles of good scientific practice. Reviews of works which have already been reviewed in Antropolítica will not be accepted. Contributions received are evaluated by the Editorial Committee.

Contributions are accepted in Portuguese, Spanish, English and French. All submissions must conform to the submission guidelines.

Peer Review Policy

All submissions will go through an initial screening in which they are evaluated by the Editorial Board to decide their suitability to the submission guidelines and the editorial line of Antropolítica. After approval, submissions will be evaluated by a double blind review process. Each article will always be submitted to two reviewers, and the identities of the reviewers and authors will be kept confidential. In case of contrary decisions, the article will be forwarded to a third reviewer. If the controversy persists, the decision will be made by the editor responsible for the article, in consultation with the Editorial Board. All authors will receive copies of the evaluations of their articles and, eventually, of the editor's comments.

The results of the evaluation can be: Should be published, no changes; Should be published, but superficial revision is needed; Should be published, but thorough revision is needed; Should be reworked and resubmitted; Should not be published. Publication depends on approval by the reviewers and compliance with the submission guidelines. The estimated average time for evaluation and publication of articles is 06 months to 12 months, respectively.

Evaluation Form

Publication Fees Policy

Antropolítica does not charge any fees for the evaluation and publication of submitted articles and reviews.

Digital Preservation Policy

The OJS platform is compatible with the LOCKSS system (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe), used to guarantee safe and permanent archiving of the journals' cache. LOCKSS is free software developed by the Stanford University Library that allows you to preserve online journals by archiving their contents. Each file is continuously validated against copies from other libraries. If the content is corrupted or lost, the copies are used for restoration.

Archiving Policy

Antropolítica allows the deposit of all versions (pre-print, post-print, and final publication version) at any time during the editorial process and/or after the final article is published. We ask authors to include: © {AUTHOR} {YEAR}. This is the author's version of the paper. It is posted for personal use. The final version was published in Revista Antropolítica, {INCLUDE DOI LINK}.


Antropolítica was a biannual journal from 1995 to 2019. In 2020, the journal will be published three times a year: in April, for the months of January, February, March and April; in August, for the months of May, June, July and August; and in December, for the months of September, October, November and December. Anthropolítica will be published every 10th of the last month of the issue.

Plagiarism and Editorial Misconduct Check Policy

Antropolítica uses CopySpyder software to check the similarity of the content of articles. We have set a rate of 3% as acceptable for similarity of content, so the papers that exceed this rate will be identified and returned to the authors, so that they can express their opinion on possible occurrence of plagiarism.

In order to maintain an ethical editorial conduct, Antropolítica follows the guidelines of the Scielo's Guide of good practices for the strengthening of ethics in scientific publication and the Guidelines of good editorial practices defined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

We also reinforce that any cases of plagiarism or misconduct are analyzed during peer review and, once identified, will be analyzed by the Editorial Board.

Guidelines for Conflicts of Interest

Antropolítica understands that conflicts of interest may arise when authors, editors or reviewers have interests that could possibly influence the preparation or evaluation of articles. Conflicts of interest can be of a personal, financial, intellectual, professional, political, or religious nature.

Therefore, authors should disclose in the editor's comments at the time of submission any relationships with public or private entities that may result in conflicts of interest. Financial support or other relationships that influenced the development of the research and the submitted manuscript should also be disclosed.

If authors have any doubts about a possible conflict of interest, Antropolítica should be contacted for clarification.

Code of Ethics

The standards of conduct listed below apply to authors, reviewers and editors of the journal Antropolítica, aiming to preserve the integrity of scientific activities and publications.

The guidelines for Research Integrity of CNPq;

The guidelines for good editorial practices defined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE);

The resolution of the National Health Council No. 510, of April 7, 2016 - Provides on the standards applicable to research in Human and Social Sciences;

And, for Anthropologists, the Code of Ethics of the Brazilian Association of Anthropology.


Antropolítica receives support, through the Postgraduate Program in Anthropology (PPGA/UFF), from CAPES/PROAP and FAPERJ.