SAYIGH, Rosemary. 2015. Yusif Sayigh: Arab Economist, Palestinian Patriot. Cairo/New York: The American University in Cairo Press (388pp.). (ISBN 978- 9774166716) US$45.


  • Leonardo Schiocchet



From al-Bassa (Palestine) to Kharaba (Syria), from Tiberias (Palestine) to Sidon (Lebanon) and Tikrit (Iraq), onto Amman (Jordan), Tunis (Tunisia), and Beirut (Lebanon), Yusif Sayigh’s life trajectory invokes the deep connec- tedness of Bilad Al-Sham (Greater Syria) to itself and to the Arab Middle East, notwithstanding the Western arbitrary trimming of the region through colo- nial design. Recounted stories attest to the tug-of-war between Pan-Syrianism, Pan-Arabism and nation-state politics that greatly shaped Arab modernity. For Yusif Sayigh, as for many others of his time and ours, Palestine was always an Arab matter, yet never an elusive entity to be simply diluted within the vast- ness of the Arab nation. While the biographer’s editing of her late husband’s memoirs expertly sketches a postcolonial perspective of life in the region from 1918 on, the Arab economist and Palestinian patriot is a pioneer of the genre.


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Como Citar

Schiocchet, L. (2016). SAYIGH, Rosemary. 2015. Yusif Sayigh: Arab Economist, Palestinian Patriot. Cairo/New York: The American University in Cairo Press (388pp.). (ISBN 978- 9774166716) US$45. Antropolítica - Revista Contemporânea De Antropologia, (39).


