Multiliteracies, new genres, digital languages, Artificial Intelligence: theoretical and practical confrontations


The concept of literacy emerged in Brazil in the 1980s, highlighting the need to expand notions of reading and writing, previously conceived as the "mere acquisition of the 'technology' of reading and writing" (Soares, 2009, p. 18). As a result, educators and researchers begin to focus on the multiple social and semiotic practices in which readers are immersed. Digital technologies, with their supports and modes of circulating texts and images, require an expansion of the concept that increasingly encompasses, through multiliteracies, reading practices that rely on digital media and intersections between languages. This dossier starts from this expansion and welcomes contributions, grounded in different theories of text and discourse, that aim to provide theoretical discussion and practical propositions on multiliteracies, emerging genres, relationships between languages and supports, artificial intelligence, and large language models. The proposal emphasizes works concerned with understanding and addressing the challenges posed by these contemporary phenomena to the teaching and learning practices of Portuguese and Foreign Languages and their literatures, including processes of reading, comprehension, and production of multimodal texts.

Cíntia Regina Lacerda Rabello (UFF)
Silvia Maria de Sousa (UFF)
Joel Windle (University of South Australia)