As imagens no texto: entre García Márquez e Roberto Bolaño. Da alegoria do tempo ao universo das imagens


  • Carlos Rincón
  • Ana Isabel Guimarães Borges



The reading of Gabriel García Márquez´'story, Un señor muy viejo con unas alas enormes, starts by focussing the European Allegory of Time and shows throughout the analysis of the story - which narrates the voyage of this allegory to a Caribbean village -  that this European concept of time does not fit in the cultural memory in this location. Within this beginning the study while undergoing how icons of oficial effigies of the Country´s fathers, starting by portrays of  Simón Bolívar and the metafictions as allegories of the nation, as well as chronicles and paintings of landscapes, the article is closed by addressing Arturo Fontaine´s Cuando éramos inmortales. This narrative about a lesson of art history where the revolutionary works, Diego Velázquez´ As meninas and  Pablo Picasso´s Guernica, are used by the ultraconservative professor to fake the discourse of art history in order to enunciate so-called universal catholic values. The intersections of texts-images are seen as types of representation and basic cultural types where the decisive moment of constitution seems to be the "infinite relation between language and painting", "visible and enunciable" (Foucault, As palavras e as coisas), “the antinomy of word and image” as a priori historical (Deleuze, Foucault). These theoretical reflections raised up what has been denominated “the pictorial turn”.

Keywords: Image. Relations between language and painting. Pictorial turn.


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How to Cite

RINCÓN, C.; GUIMARÃES BORGES, A. I. As imagens no texto: entre García Márquez e Roberto Bolaño. Da alegoria do tempo ao universo das imagens . Caderno de Letras da UFF, v. 32, n. 63, p. 45-77, 16 Dec. 2021.